Search Engine Optimization

What is SEO?

SEO is optimizing your website so your most important keywords rank as high as possible for the highest possible scores in a search engine like Google. Google strives to offer its users the best possible results to give, and therefore have developed a number of criteria which the ‘health’ of your website should appear.

How does SEO work?

  • Site performance: the site must technically be well put together. E.g. sites that are full of errors or pages that load too slow , will be ‘down-ranked’ by Google.
  • Site Content: The text, heading, meta-description of each webpage on the site should be relevant and original. This means that you should always write new text for each webpage and have your target audience in mind in order to pick-out the right keywords.
  • Link Building: In order to increase your credibility as a website, you should work on having links on other websites. A great way is through using social media like Facebook, but you could also be active on forums or communities in your niche.
  • Site Architecture: the site’s structure and navigation should be logical and intuitive. You should make it as easy as possible for a visitor to find what he is looking for. Categorizing your products and using the breadcrumb structure is a good start.



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